TFT Set 6: Mercenary Composition Guide - Repeators

It is already time to relearn with gadgets in madness, the set 6 of TeamFight Tactics. A new set that brings a lot of mechanics, and a horde of champions that must be controlled. You feel lost in front of this task? Do not panic, we have prepared guides for you to easily take charge of the compos. And here is that of the composition repetition mercenaries (Twinshot in VO) for the TFT set 6. What are the champions to recover in priority? What objects covet with carousel? Who are your carrys? All the info you need to play the Compo well in the lines that follow.

Then update: 03/11/2021, Patch 11.22

Information on the MERCENARY COMPOSITION Repeators of TFT Set 6

Positioning Champions on the tray


When to go on the repetition mercenaries composition?

You are looking to have as soon as possible the active mercenaries buff. From there, keep a compo not too weak, and the rest should follow.



You earn a treasure chest that opens when you win a fight against a player. At the beginning of each planning phase, you can start the dice to add more loots in your trunk. The more time you spend without opening the safe, the more likely you are. (3) Launch 2 dice (5) Launch a third die that instantly gives you a bonus orb


Whenever a repetition attacks, he has a chance to attack twice. They also win an ad bonus (2) 40% chance, 5 ad (4) 70% chances, 30 ad (6) 100% chance, 60 ad


All Allies get a PV bonus. Fighters earn double the bonus. (2) 125 PV (4) 250 PV (6) 450 PV (8) 700 PV


Snipers inflict bonus damage for each hexagon between them and their target. (2) 8 % damage by hexagon (4) 16% damage by hexagon (6) 30% damage by hexagone


Once per planning phase, you can give a pretty unit in Tahm Kench. This unit is devoured, but gives bonuses of permanent statistics. The more expensive the unit, the higher the bonus. To feed Tahm Kench, hang a unit above him until he opens his mouth, then loose it.

start of part

Priority Objects

How to play the composition?

• Your goal is to have as quickly as possible the Buff mercenaries active. From there, every part, you will launch the dice to find out what will happen in your chest. Then, at your next victory, it s it (maybe) Jackpot.

*5 MERCENARY INSANE ECON GAME* - TFT SET 6 Guide Teamfight Tactics Best Ranked Comps • Remember to eat Tahm Kench at each round. He earns bonus statistics based on how you feed it.

• Your main carry is Gangplank, but you can also Stuff URGOT if you lack damage.

• Do not be too greedy with your economy. Yes, it s good to want to make the biggest of the world to have a rain of rewards. But you will not really enjoy it if you died with 70 Golds.


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