Sekiro Headless Locations: How to find and defeat the five optional bosses

These are all Sekiro Headless sites as well as some tips on how to remove them

Credit: Sekiro Wiki Fextralife (Credit: Sekiro Wiki Fextralife)

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Why should you want to know where the five Sekiro Headless Boss locations are located? Because these hard, optional bosses each drop a spirit - an infinite version of the sugar you use in the game to heal and improve Sekiro Attributes (Ako, Gokan, Gachiin, Ungo and Yashariku).

These spiritual battles are not easy and two of the five Sekiro Headless Boss fights take place under water. Although these are actually something easier because they eliminate the Miasma that they radiate on dry land. However, if you want to hunt them all, you need the Mibu breathing technique for three.

Sekiro Headless Locations

  • AKO: Ashina Outskirts near the abbreviation from Underbridge Idol
  • Gachiin: Hidden forest in the lower area near the Buddha statue
  • Gokan: Sunkey Valley near the Under-Shrine Valley Idol past two armed men after they were dipped in a small pond and reappeared at the other end
  • Unglo: behind Ashina Castle in the lake
  • Yashariku: at the bottom of the lake in the Fountainhead Palace

How to defeat the Sekiro Headless Boss

For those who are over the earth, they need divine confetti and perfect parry skills. While every beat of them triggers terror, even if it is distracted, it is significantly less if your timing is correct. The main attack, on which one must pay attention, is the teleport in a greener attack, which should dodge.

Whenever the headless is teleported, he appears behind them. You can actually fly in the air to achieve a few free hits. It is definitely worth taking a sedative to reduce the genesis of terror. Regardless of how hard the headless looks and feels, if they claim, it is not too hard. If you only want to parry, you do not need to use the divine confetti, though this speeds up the fight.

It is also possible to finish this fight by just kicking behind the headless. The Ki will bring the thing to turn to you. You can meet it once and then come back when you are fast. You can repeat this until it is dead. Just make sure you use the divine confetti.

For the underwater headless, the strategy is very different. Surprisingly, the answer is to bring the fight as soon as possible to the animal. Stay in melee range and just reach on. If the non-blockable attack or the spell is to be worked, Rase behind it and continue the attack. It is worth using the speckled purple pumpkin before fighting to secure your survival.


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