Ghost of Tsushima: How to dissolve the shrine in the shadow on IKI - Guide, Tips

On the new island of Iki are waiting in Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut not only all sorts of Mongols on you, but also various hidden content. To which include three very special shrines, in which you receive special armor as a reward for small puzzles. In the following lines we dedicate ourselves to the shrine in the shade.

Where is the shrine in the shade?

These three shrines are dedicated to a popular PlayStation Game. The place it goes in this article, the legendary PlayStation 2 classic Shadow of the Colossus of Japan Studios and Team Ico. The shrine in the shadow you will find in the south Ikis in the area of ​​Buddha's footprints.

So you solve the puzzle of the shrine in the shade

In the shrine, you quickly recognize the different references to the PS2 hit, such as the sword in the mark and the foot-covered foot of the statue. There you can also find a scroll on which some enigmatic lines are written, which must decrypt your decryption:

_ Stone does not know change Other like the colossus, the fell ZUR Soul Rescue Wanderer step through fog _Geist who throws no shadow. _

Hidden and Dangerous 2 in 80 minutes (all campaigns) HD Fans of the PlayStation cult game will also recognize various allusions on hiking adventures in this small text. Furthermore, the scroll gives you some subtle evidence of what you need to do to sank your reward. In particular, you must pay attention to the spirit in the fog .

First of all, you have to turn into a mind, which means that your Jin creates the Ghost Armor . In direct connection it is about the fog, but this is not quite literally meant. In this case, that means that you throw a smoke bomb in the middle of the shrine in front of you on the floor.

In this way, it activates a short intermediate sequence, at the end of which it is rewarded with mask of the colossom as well as with armor of the colossom , the latter being an alternative color variant for your spirit armor.

Thus, you have now successfully solved the puzzle of the shrine in the shadow. If you need more tips for Ghost of Tsushima, you will gladly take a look at our other guides to the title. Otherwise, we wish you a lot of fun with the Open World Game.

How do you like the Shadow of the Colossus armor in Ghost of Tsushima?

Further news about Ghost of Tsushima.

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