Ghost of Tsushima fan makes the probably curious kill of his life

The PS4-hit Ghost of Tsushima offers a total of 52 trophies. For one of the silver trophies, Jin has to kill an opponent with falling damage by pushing it from a lead. This succeeds, for example, uses the Taifautre. A reddit user has tried exactly that, but he had to realize that the Mongols are more stubborn than thought.

The return of the Mongols

What happened? As the user with a hostile Mongol, he tries to kick him off the edge. But probably no one would have expected what happens afterwards. Luckily, the user has held this funny moment and tells him about Reddit:

Link to reddit content

After the opponent with Karacho falls down the slope, he suddenly comes back in an equally high arc again. It acts as if a trampoline stands down at the cliff, that the opponent catapults shortly. It is probably a bug that the developer team has probably not

After the opponent lands on the cliff, from which he was kicked, he dies shortly. After such an acrobatic masterpiece, Jin remains nothing else than to bow.

Fans find the scene Urkomisch

In the comment column, many amused fans gather who have never seen such a spectacular return of an opponent. The majority finds the return flight Herzomisch and makes funny sayings for the unwanted jump of the opponent:

He was killed so well that he came back to die again.

He was killed so hard that his ancestors have rejected him.

Oh, my trampoline came out.

And people say Wrestling was faked.

The clip has even moved a user to buy the game. The others reaffirm the user in his decision and confirm that he will not regret the purchase of Ghost of Tsushima.

More news about Ghost of Tsushima in the overview:

  • Ghost of Tsushima: Multiplayer gets standalone release and completely new mode
  • Ghost of Tsushima: According to developer, the story DLC is as long as act 1 '
  • Ghost of Tsushima: Trailer reveals to IKI expansion, which blooms us in the Addon

JINS Journey goes on Iki

On August 20 2021, the Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut appears an advanced version of the PS4 game. The Director's Cut appears for both PS4 and PS5 and accompanies Jin into a new region. On the island of Iki a new story waiting for you can experience.

With the PS5 version, you also use the improved hardware of the new console generation. You expect shorter charging times, up to 60 fps and the features of the dualSense controller. Away from the Director's Cut, there is a free update for all players, for example updating photom mode and introduces more accessibility options.

Have you ever experienced such a spectacular kill in the game?


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